Thirty years' investing in China
We’ve been investing in Chinese equities since 1992. During this time, we’ve built a large and highly experienced team of investors, many of whom are based in Asia. This includes 14 mandarin-speaking equity experts located in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore. Their local knowhow, company access and fundamental research provide invaluable on-the-ground insights. In our view, this gives us an edge in what can be a complex and hard-to-navigate market.
Seeking to drive positive changes
For over three decades, understanding ESG risks and opportunities has been an intrinsic part of our research process. Through constructive engagement with companies, we have built long-term and in-depth relationships. Our goal is to help them achieve their potential and make them better investments for our clients. We’ve also created the Aberdeen Asia Pacific Sustainability Institute – a centre of excellence and innovation dedicated to all aspects of sustainable investing.
Unlocking China's true potential
The China opportunity is vast – there are more than 5,000 companies listed both onshore and offshore. We believe our 30 years of experience in China and first-hand insights mean we are ideally placed to connect our clients to this huge market. By focusing on high-quality, well-governed companies we also seek to reduce investment risk. Our China A Share Sustainable Equity and All China Sustainable Equity strategies exemplify our approach.